

Hypergraph Partitioning with Fixed Vertices

15 years 3 months ago
Hypergraph Partitioning with Fixed Vertices
We empirically assess the implications of fixed terminals for hypergraph partitioning heuristics. Our experimental testbed incorporates a leading-edge multilevel hypergraph partitioner [14] [3] and IBM-internal circuits that have recently been released as part of the ISPD-98 Benchmark Suite [2, 1]. We find that the presence of fixed terminals can make a partitioning instance considerably easier (possibly to the point of being "trivial"): much less effort is needed to stably reach solution qualities that are near bestachievable. Toward development of partitioning heuristics specific to the fixed-terminals regime, we study the pass statistics of flat FM-based partitioning heuristics. Our data suggest that with more fixed terminals, the improvements in a pass are more likely to occur near the beginning of the pass. Restricting the length of passes ? which degrades solution quality in the classic (free-hypergraph) context ? is relatively safe for the fixed-terminals regime and c...
Andrew E. Caldwell, Andrew B. Kahng, Igor L. Marko
Added 13 Nov 2009
Updated 13 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where DAC
Authors Andrew E. Caldwell, Andrew B. Kahng, Igor L. Markov
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