

Engineering Change: Methodology and Applications to Behavioral and System Synthesis

15 years 3 months ago
Engineering Change: Methodology and Applications to Behavioral and System Synthesis
Due to the unavoidable need for system debugging, performance tuning, and adaptation to new standards, the engineering change (EC) methodology has emerged as one of the crucial components in synthesis of systems-on-chip. We introduce a novel design methodology which facilitates design-for-EC and post-processing to enable EC with minimal perturbation. Initially, as a synthesis pre-processing step, the original design speci cation is augmented with additional design constraints which ensure exibility for future correction. Upon alteration of the initial design, a novel post-processing technique achieves the desired functionality with a near-minimal perturbation of the initially optimized design. The key contribution we introduce is a constraint manipulation technique which enables reduction of an arbitrary EC problem into its corresponding classical synthesis problem. As a result, in both pre- and post-processing for EC, classical synthesis algorithms can be used to enable exibility and...
Darko Kirovski, Miodrag Potkonjak
Added 13 Nov 2009
Updated 13 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where DAC
Authors Darko Kirovski, Miodrag Potkonjak
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