

Trajectory prediction in cluttered voxel environments

13 years 11 months ago
Trajectory prediction in cluttered voxel environments
Abstract— Trajectory planning and optimization is a fundamental problem in articulated robotics. It is often viewed as a two phase problem of initial feasible path planning around obstacles and subsequent optimization of a trajectory satisfying dynamical constraints. There are many methods that can generate good movements when given enough time, but planning for high-dimensional robot configuration spaces in realistic environments with many objects in real time remains challenging. This work presents a novel way for faster movement planning in such environments by predicting good path initializations. We build on our previous work on trajectory prediction by adapting it to environments modeled with voxel grids and defining a frame invariant prototype trajectory space. The constructed representations can generalize to a wide range of situations, allowing to predict good movement trajectories and speed up convergence of robot motion planning. An empirical comparison of the effect on ...
Nikolay Jetchev, Marc Toussaint
Added 26 Jan 2011
Updated 26 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICRA
Authors Nikolay Jetchev, Marc Toussaint
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