

Sampling-Based Motion and Symbolic Action Planning with geometric and differential constraints

13 years 11 months ago
Sampling-Based Motion and Symbolic Action Planning with geometric and differential constraints
Abstract— To compute collision-free and dynamicallyfeasibile trajectories that satisfy high-level specifications given in a planning-domain definition language, this paper proposes to combine sampling-based motion planning with symbolic action planning. The proposed approach, Sampling-based Motion and Symbolic Action Planner (SMAP), leverages from samplingbased motion planning the underlying idea of searching for a solution trajectory by selectively sampling and exploring the continuous space of collision-free and dynamically-feasible motions. Drawing from AI, SMAP uses symbolic action planning to identify actions and regions of the continuous space that sampling-based motion planning can further explore to significantly advance the search. The planning layers interact with each-other through estimates on the utility of each action, which are computed based on information gathered during the search. Simulation experiments with dynamical models of vehicles carrying out tasks given ...
Erion Plaku, Gregory D. Hager
Added 26 Jan 2011
Updated 26 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICRA
Authors Erion Plaku, Gregory D. Hager
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