

Ball dribbling with an underactuated continuous-time control phase

14 years 29 days ago
Ball dribbling with an underactuated continuous-time control phase
— Ball dribbling is a central element of basketball. One main challenge for realizing basketball robots is to stabilize periodic motions of the ball. This task is nontrivial due to the discrete-continuous nature of the corresponding dynamics. The ball can be only controlled during ball-manipulator contact and moves freely otherwise. We propose a manipulator equipped with a spring that gets compressed when the ball bounces against it. Hence, we can have continuous-time control over this underactuated Ball-Spring-Manipulator system until the spring releases its accumulated energy back to the ball. This paper illustrates a systematic way of planning such a modified dribbling motion, computing an analytical transverse linearization and achieving orbital stabilization.
Uwe Mettin, Anton S. Shiriaev, Georg Batz, Dirk Wo
Added 26 Jan 2011
Updated 26 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICRA
Authors Uwe Mettin, Anton S. Shiriaev, Georg Batz, Dirk Wollherr
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