

Large-Scale SLAM Building Conditionally Independent Local Maps: Application to Monocular Vision

13 years 11 months ago
Large-Scale SLAM Building Conditionally Independent Local Maps: Application to Monocular Vision
SLAM algorithms based on local maps have been demonstrated to be well suited for mapping large environments as they reduce the computational cost and improve the consistency of the final estimation. The main contribution of this paper is a novel submapping technique that does not require independence between maps. The technique is based on the intrinsic structure of the SLAM problem which allows the building of submaps that can share information, remaining conditionally independent. The resulting algorithm obtains local maps in constant time during the exploration of new terrain, and recovers the global map in linear time after simple loop closures, without introducing any approximations besides the inherent EKF linearizations. The memory requirements are also linear with the size of the map. As the algorithm works in covariance form, well-known data association techniques can be used in the usual manner. We present experimental results using a hand-held monocular camera, building a ma...
Pedro Pinies, Juan D. Tardós
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TROB
Authors Pedro Pinies, Juan D. Tardós
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