Soft error reliability is increasingly becoming a first-order design concern for microprocessors, as a result of higher transistor counts, shrinking device geometries and lowering of operating voltages. It is important for designers to be able to validate whether the Soft Error Rate (SER) targets of their design have been met, and help end users select the processor best suited to their reliability goals. The knowledge of the observable worst-case SER allows designers to select their design point, and bound the worst-case vulnerability at that design point. We highlight the lack of a methodology for evaluation of the overall observable worst-case SER. Hence, there is a clear need for a so called stressmark that can demonstrably approach the observable worst-case SER. The worst-case thus obtained can be used to identify reliability bottlenecks, validate safety margins used for reliability design and identify inadequacies in benchmark suites used to evaluate SER. Starting from a comprehe...
Arun A. Nair, Lizy Kurian John, Lieven Eeckhout