

How to Write a Visualization Research Paper: A Starting Point

13 years 9 months ago
How to Write a Visualization Research Paper: A Starting Point
This paper attempts to explain the mechanics of writing a research paper in visualization. This serves as a useful starting point for those who have never written a research paper before or have very little previous experience. Afterall, no one is born knowing how to write one. And yet, there are certain elements, a commonality, that should be found in virtually all good visualization research papers. We give our recommendations as to each section a good research paper consists of as well as what each section contains. This manuscript itself follows our recommended structure. e that paper writing should start with the abstract. The abstract can be approximately 6-12 sentences. It's a difficult starting point, but it forces the author to write down a concise description of what they're researching the benefits are. Chances are, if the author can't start out by writing an abstract, then it is not clear in or's mind what the paper should be about. Of course the abstra...
Robert S. Laramee
Added 21 Mar 2011
Updated 21 Mar 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CGF
Authors Robert S. Laramee
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