

Persistent patrol with limited-range on-board sensors

13 years 6 months ago
Persistent patrol with limited-range on-board sensors
— We propose and analyze the Persistent Patrol Problem (PPP). An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) moving with constant speed and unbounded acceleration patrols a bounded region of the plane where localized incidents occur according to a renewal process with known time intensity and spatial distribution. The UAV can detect incidents using onboard sensors with a limited visibility radius. We want to minimize the expected waiting time between the occurrence of an incident, and the time that it is detected. First, we provide a lower bound on the achievable expected detection time of any patrol policy in the limit as the visibility radius goes to zero. Second, we present the Biased Tile Sweep policy whose upper bound shows i) the lower bound’s tightness, ii) the policy’s asymptotic optimality, and iii) that the desired spatial distribution of the searching vehicle’s position is proportional to the square root of the underlying spatial distribution of incidents it must find. Third, we ...
Vu Anh Huynh, John Enright, Emilio Frazzoli
Added 23 Aug 2011
Updated 23 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CDC
Authors Vu Anh Huynh, John Enright, Emilio Frazzoli
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