
Tsinghua U.

Less reused filter: improving l2 cache performance via filtering less reused lines

14 years 7 months ago
Less reused filter: improving l2 cache performance via filtering less reused lines
The L2 cache is commonly managed using LRU policy. For workloads that have a working set larger than L2 cache, LRU behaves poorly, resulting in a great number of less reused lines that are never reused or reused for few times. In this case, the cache performance can be improved through retaining a portion of working set in cache for a period long enough. Previous schemes approach this by bypassing never reused lines. Nevertheless, severely constrained by the number of never reused lines, sometimes they deliver no benefit due to the lack of never reused lines. This paper proposes a new filtering mechanism that filters out the less reused lines rather than just never reused lines. The extended scope of bypassing provides more opportunities to fit the working set into cache. This paper also proposes a Less Reused Filter (LRF), a separate structure that precedes L2 cache, to implement the above mechanism. LRF employs a reuse frequency predictor to accurately identify the less reused l...
Lingxiang Xiang, Tianzhou Chen, Qingsong Shi, Wei
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICS
Authors Lingxiang Xiang, Tianzhou Chen, Qingsong Shi, Wei Hu
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