

Silicon-photonic clos networks for global on-chip communication

14 years 9 months ago
Silicon-photonic clos networks for global on-chip communication
Future manycore processors will require energyefficient, high-throughput on-chip networks. Siliconphotonics is a promising new interconnect technology which offers lower power, higher bandwidth density, and shorter latencies than electrical interconnects. In this paper we explore using photonics to implement low-diameter non-blocking crossbar and Clos networks. We use analytical modeling to show that a 64-tile photonic Clos network consumes significantly less optical power, thermal tuning power, and area compared to global photonic crossbars over a range of photonic device parameters. Compared to various electrical on-chip networks, our simulation results indicate that a photonic Clos network can provide more uniform latency and throughput across a range of traffic patterns while consuming less power. These properties will help simplify parallel programming by allowing the programmer to ignore network topology during optimization.
Ajay Joshi, Christopher Batten, Yong-Jin Kwon, Sco
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where NOCS
Authors Ajay Joshi, Christopher Batten, Yong-Jin Kwon, Scott Beamer, Imran Shamim, Krste Asanovic, Vladimir Stojanovic
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