

Can relaxation exercises improve learning?

14 years 9 months ago
Can relaxation exercises improve learning?
Students use both domain-dependent strategies (such as seeking specific domain help) and domain-independent strategies (such as relaxation exercises) to help regulate their affective states when learning. This paper reports a study that compared students’ performance in learning data-structures across two systems. While both systems supported domain-dependent strategies, one additionally supported domain-independent strategies (relaxation exercises). The results provide some evidence that students working with both domain-dependent and domain-independent strategies performed better than those working with domaindependent strategies only. Keywords. Emotions, Affective tutoring system, Domain-independent strategies
Mohd Zaliman Yusoff, Benedict du Boulay
Added 25 May 2010
Updated 25 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where AIED
Authors Mohd Zaliman Yusoff, Benedict du Boulay
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