

Bidding for Representative Allocations for Display Advertising

14 years 9 months ago
Bidding for Representative Allocations for Display Advertising
Display advertising has traditionally been sold via guaranteed contracts – a guaranteed contract is a deal between a publisher and an advertiser to allocate a certain number of impressions over a certain period, for a pre-specified price per impression. However, as spot markets for display ads, such as the RightMedia Exchange, have grown in prominence, the selection of advertisements to show on a given page is increasingly being chosen based on price, using an auction. As the number of participants in the exchange grows, the price of an impressions becomes a signal of its value. This correlation between price and value means that a seller implementing the contract through bidding should offer the contract buyer a range of prices, and not just the cheapest impressions necessary to fulfill its demand. Implementing a contract using a range of prices, is akin to creating a mutual fund of advertising impressions, and requires randomized bidding. We characterize what allocations can be...
Arpita Ghosh, Randolph Preston McAfee, Kishore Pap
Added 25 May 2010
Updated 25 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where WINE
Authors Arpita Ghosh, Randolph Preston McAfee, Kishore Papineni, Sergei Vassilvitskii
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