

Online Approximate Matching with Non-local Distances

14 years 8 months ago
Online Approximate Matching with Non-local Distances
Abstract. A black box method was recently given that solves the problem of online approximate matching for a class of problems whose distance functions can be classified as being local. A distance function is said to be local if for a pattern P of length m and any substring T[i, i+m−1] of a text T, the distance between P and T[i, i + m − 1] is equal to Σj∆(P[j], T[i + j − 1]), where ∆ is any distance function between individual characters. We extend this line of work by showing how to tackle online approximate matching when the distance function is non-local. We give solutions which are applicable to a wide variety of matching problems including function and parameterised matching, swap matching, swap-mismatch, k-difference, k-difference with transpositions, overlap matching, edit distance/LCS, flipped bit, faulty bit and L1 and L2 rearrangement distances. The resulting unamortised online algorithms bound the worst case running time per input character to within a log fa...
Raphaël Clifford, Benjamin Sach
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CPM
Authors Raphaël Clifford, Benjamin Sach
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