

Refinement, Validation and Benchmarking of a Model for E-Government Service Quality

14 years 9 months ago
Refinement, Validation and Benchmarking of a Model for E-Government Service Quality
This paper presents the refinement and validation of a model for Quality of e-Government Services (QeGS). We built upon our previous work where a conceptualized model was identified and put focus on the confirmatory phase of the model development process, in order to come up with a valid and reliable QeGS model. The validated model, which was benchmarked with very positive results with similar models found in the literature, can be used for measuring the QeGS in a reliable and valid manner. This will form the basis for a continuous quality improvement process, unleashing the full potential of egovernment services for both citizens and public administrations.
Babis Magoutas, Gregoris Mentzas
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where EGOV
Authors Babis Magoutas, Gregoris Mentzas
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