

Display considerations for night and low-illumination viewing

14 years 9 months ago
Display considerations for night and low-illumination viewing
An inadequately designed display viewed in the dark can easily cause dazzling glare and affect our night vision. In this paper we test a display design in which the spectral light emission is selected to reduce the impact of the display on night vision performance while at the same time ensuring good display legibility. We use long-wavelength light (red) that is easily visible to daylight vision photoreceptors (cones) but almost invisible to night vision photoreceptors (rods). We verify rod-cone separation in a psychophysical experiment, in which we measure contrast detection in the presence of a colored source of glare. In a separate user study we measure the range of display brightness settings that provide good legibility and are not distracting under low ambient lighting. Our results can serve as a guidelines for designing the displays that change their color scheme at low ambient light levels. CR Categories: I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image Generation—Display algorithms...
Rafal Mantiuk, Allan G. Rempel, Wolfgang Heidrich
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where APGV
Authors Rafal Mantiuk, Allan G. Rempel, Wolfgang Heidrich
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