

Coarse-Grain MTCMOS Sleep Transistor Sizing Using Delay Budgeting

14 years 7 months ago
Coarse-Grain MTCMOS Sleep Transistor Sizing Using Delay Budgeting
Power gating is one of the most effective techniques in reducing the standby leakage current of VLSI circuits. In this paper we introduce a new approach for sleep transistor sizing which minimizes the total sleep transistor width for a coarse-grain multi-threshold CMOS circuit assuming a given standard cell and sleep transistor placement. First, the circuit is decomposed into a set of modules, each containing the set of logic cells that are closest to a sleep transistor cell. Next given an upper bound on the overall circuit speed degradation, the global timing slack is distributed among different clusters using a delay-budgeting. The slack distribution result is then used to size the sleep transistors such that the total sleep transistor width is minimized while accounting for the parasitic resistances of the virtual ground net. Results show that the proposed sizing algorithm produces sleep transistor sizes that are 40% smaller than those produced by previous approaches.
Ehsan Pakbaznia, Massoud Pedram
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where DATE
Authors Ehsan Pakbaznia, Massoud Pedram
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