

Beyond Silhouettes: Surface Reconstruction Using Multi-Flash Photography

14 years 8 months ago
Beyond Silhouettes: Surface Reconstruction Using Multi-Flash Photography
This paper introduces a novel method for surface reconstruction using the depth discontinuity information captured by a multi-flash camera while the object moves along a known trajectory. Experimental results based on turntable sequences are presented. By observing the visual motion of depth discontinuities, surface points are accurately reconstructed – including many located deep inside concavities. The method extends well-established differential and global shape-from-silhouette surface reconstruction techniques by incorporating the significant additional information encoded in the depth discontinuities. The reconstruction method uses an implicit form of the epipolar parameterization and directly estimates point locations and corresponding surface normals on the surface of the object using a local temporal neighborhood of the depth discontinuities. Outliers, which correspond to the ill-conditioned cases of the reconstruction equations, are easily detected and removed by back-pro...
Daniel E. Crispell, Douglas Lanman, Peter G. Sible
Added 10 Jun 2010
Updated 10 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where 3DPVT
Authors Daniel E. Crispell, Douglas Lanman, Peter G. Sibley, Yong Zhao, Gabriel Taubin
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