Soft-core microprocessors mapped onto field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) represent an increasingly common embedded software implementation option. Modern FPGA soft-cores are parameterized to support application-specific customization, wherein pre-defined units, such as a multiplication unit or floating-point unit, may be included in the microprocessor architecture to speed up software execution at the expense of increased size. We introduce a methodology for fast applicationspecific customization of a parameterized FPGA soft core, using synthesis and execution to obtain size and performance data in order to create a tool that can be used across a variety of tool platforms and FPGA devices. As synthesizing a soft core takes tens of minutes, developing heuristics that execute in an acceptable time of an hour or two, yet find near-optimal results, is a challenge. We consider two approaches, one using a traditional CAD approach that does an initial characterization using synthesis e a...
David Sheldon, Rakesh Kumar, Roman L. Lysecky, Fra