

Characterizing and modeling minimum energy operation for subthreshold circuits

14 years 6 months ago
Characterizing and modeling minimum energy operation for subthreshold circuits
Subthreshold operation is emerging as an energy-saving approach to many new applications. This paper examines energy minimization for circuits operating in the subthreshold region. We show the dependence of the optimum VDD for a given technology on design characteristics and operating conditions. Solving equations for total energy provides an analytical solution for the optimum VDD and VT to minimize energy for a given frequency in subthreshold operation. SPICE simulations of a 200K transistor FIR filter confirm the analytical solution and the dependence of the minimum energy operating point on important parameters. Categories and Subject Descriptors B.6.3 [Design Aids] - optimization General Terms Performance, Design, Reliability Keywords Subthreshold circuits, Subthreshold model, Minimum energy point, Energy model
Benton H. Calhoun, Anantha Chandrakasan
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Benton H. Calhoun, Anantha Chandrakasan
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