

An Integrated Data Path Optimization for Low Power Based on Network Flow Method

14 years 9 months ago
An Integrated Data Path Optimization for Low Power Based on Network Flow Method
Abstract: We propose an effective algorithm for power optimization in behavioral synthesis. In previous work, it has been shown that several hardware allocation/binding problems for power optimization can be formulated as network flow problems and be solved optimally. However, in these formulations, a fixed schedule was assumed. In such context, one key problem is: given an optimal network flow solution to a hardware allocation/binding problem for a schedule, how to generate a new optimal network flow solution rapidly for a local change of the schedule. To this end, from a comprehensive analysis of the relation between network structure and flow computation, we devise a two-step procedure: (Step 1) maxflow computation step which finds a valid (maximum) flow solution while retaining the previous (maximum flow of minimum cost) solution as much as possible; (Step 2) min-cost computation step which incrementally refines the flow solution obtained in Step 1, using the concept of ...
Chun-Gi Lyuh, Taewhan Kim, Chien-Liang Liu
Added 17 Mar 2010
Updated 17 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Chun-Gi Lyuh, Taewhan Kim, Chien-Liang Liu
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