

An Integrated Spatial Path-planning and Controller Design Approach for a Hover-mode Helicopter Model

14 years 8 months ago
An Integrated Spatial Path-planning and Controller Design Approach for a Hover-mode Helicopter Model
— The objective of this paper is to design a controller based on a nonlinear hover-mode model for a helicopter, which can be seamlessly integrated in an existing spatial path-planning approach. Unlike traditional approaches, this novel two-level hierarchical controller takes ‘small-body forces’ explicitly into consideration. A higher level controller (HLC), with slower time-scale, controls the translational motion. This controller chooses the main rotor thrust, and a reference signal for the fuselage rotation matrix. This reference rotation matrix is then tracked by a lower level controller (LLC) at a faster timescale, to select the two flapping angles of the tip path plane (TPP) and the tail rotor thrust. The reference rotation matrix is chosen by the HLC so as to meet the objective of local translation, specified by a local potential function. The local potential field is represented as an obstacle-free spherical region, a ‘bubble’, in which the helicopter is constrained...
Kaustubh Pathak, Sunil Kumar Agrawal
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICRA
Authors Kaustubh Pathak, Sunil Kumar Agrawal
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