

Low power DCT implementation approach for VLSI DSP processors

14 years 4 months ago
Low power DCT implementation approach for VLSI DSP processors
This paper presents an algorithm for the low power implementation of the Discrete Cosine Transform on Single multiplier CMOS DSPs. The algorithm reduces power by a combination of using shift operations, where possible, and manipulatingbit-correlation between successive cosine coefficients applied to the input of the multiplier section such that the effective switched capacitance is reduced. This reduces the switching activity in the multiplication of a Discrete Cosine Transform processor. The paper describes the algotrithm, the evaluation procedure and presents results with a number of example images illustratingupto 50 power savings.
S. Masupe, T. Arslan
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Authors S. Masupe, T. Arslan
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