

MoonWalker, a lower limb exoskeleton able to sustain bodyweight using a passive force balancer

13 years 10 months ago
MoonWalker, a lower limb exoskeleton able to sustain bodyweight using a passive force balancer
This paper presents MoonWalker, a lower limb exoskeleton able to sustain part of a user's bodyweight. This orthosis can be used for rehabilitation, to help people having weak legs, or to help those suffering from a broken leg, to walk. It can also be used as an assistive device helping people carrying heavy loads. Its main characteristic is that a passive force balancer provides the force to sustain bodyweight. An actuator is also required, but is used only to shift that force the same side as the leg in stance. Consequently, MoonWalker requires very low energy to work on flat terrains. That motor can provide also a part of the energy to climb stairs or slopes. We believe that this approach can help improving energetic autonomy of lower limb exoskeletons. Keywords-- Exoskeleton, orthosis, passive force balancer.
Sébastien Krut, Michel Benoit, Etienne Domb
Added 13 Feb 2011
Updated 13 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICRA
Authors Sébastien Krut, Michel Benoit, Etienne Dombre, François Pierrot
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