In this paper, we present a novel framework to address
the confounding effects of illumination variation in face
recognition. By augmenting the gallery set with realistically
relit images, we enhance recognition performance in
a classier-independent way. We describe a novel method
for single-image relighting, Morphable Reectance Fields
(MoRF), which does not require manual intervention and
provides relighting superior to that of existing automatic
methods. We test our framework through face recognition
experiments using various state-of-the-art classiers
and popular benchmark datasets: CMU PIE, Multi-PIE,
and MERL Dome. We demonstrate that our MoRF relighting
and gallery augmentation framework achieves improvements
in terms of both rank-1 recognition rates and ROC
curves. We also compare our model with other automatic
relighting methods to conrm its advantage. Finally, we
show that the recognition rates achieved using our framework
exceed those of state-of-the-art ...