

Real-time localization and elevation mapping within urban search and rescue scenarios

14 years 11 days ago
Real-time localization and elevation mapping within urban search and rescue scenarios
Urban Search And Rescue (USAR) is a time critical task. Rescue teams have to explore a large terrain within a short amount of time in order to locate survivors after a disaster. One goal in Rescue Robotics is to have a team of heterogeneous robots that explore autonomously, or partially guided by an incident commander, the disaster area. Their task is to jointly create a map of the terrain and to register victim locations, which can further be utilized by human task forces for rescue. Basically, the robots have to solve autonomously in real-time the problem of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), consisting of a continuous state estimation problem and a discrete data association problem. Extraordinary circumstances after a real disaster make it very hard to apply common techniques. Many of these have been developed under strong assumptions, for example, they require polygonal structures, such as typically found in office-like environments. Furthermore, most techniques are not...
Alexander Kleiner, Christian Dornhege
Added 27 Dec 2010
Updated 27 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JFR
Authors Alexander Kleiner, Christian Dornhege
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