In practical applications, decoding speed is very important. Modern structured learning technique adopts template based method to extract millions of features. Complicated templat...
Katsevich reconstruction algorithm represents a breakthrough for helical cone-beam computed tomography (CT) reconstruction, because it is the first exact cone-beam reconstruction a...
Guorui Yan, Jie Tian, Shouping Zhu, Chenghu Qin, Y...
To efficiently analyze the large-scale interconnect dominant circuits with inductive couplings (mutual inductances), this paper introduces a new state matrix, called VNA, to stamp ...
Hao Yu, Chunta Chu, Yiyu Shi, David Smart, Lei He,...
Stochastic device noise has become a significant challenge for high-precision analog/RF circuits, and it is particularly difficult to correctly include both white noise and flic...
The verification of an execution against memory consistency is known to be NP-hard. This paper proposes a novel fast memory consistency verification method by identifying a new na...
Yunji Chen, Yi Lv, Weiwu Hu, Tianshi Chen, Haihua ...