We develop a microprocessor design that tolerates hard faults, including fabrication defects and in-field faults, by leveraging existing microprocessor redundancy. To do this, we...
This paper addresses the run-time diagnosis of delay faults in functional units of microprocessors. Despite the popularity of the stuck-at fault model, it is no longer the only re...
Extreme technology scaling in silicon devices drastically affects reliability, particularly because of runtime failures induced by transistor wearout. Currently available online t...
As silicon process technology scales deeper into the nanometer regime, hardware defects are becoming more common. Such defects are bound to hinder the correct operation of future ...
Kypros Constantinides, Onur Mutlu, Todd M. Austin,...
Fault diagnosis consists in observing behaviours of systems, and in detecting online whether an error has occurred or not. In the context of discrete event systems this problem has...