Abstract. In this paper we study a new approach to classify mathematical theorems according to their computational content. Basically, we are asking the question which theorems can...
As leakage and other charge storage limitations begin to impair the scalability of DRAM, non-volatile resistive memories are being developed as a potential replacement. Unfortunat...
Stuart E. Schechter, Gabriel H. Loh, Karin Straus,...
Remotely-launched software exploits are a common way for attackers to intrude into vulnerable computer systems. As detection techniques improve, remote exploitation techniques are...
Qinghua Zhang, Douglas S. Reeves, Peng Ning, S. Pu...
Given a history of packet transmissions and an excerpt of a possible packet payload, the payload attribution problem requires the identification of sources, destinations and the t...
The IEEE Standard 754-1985 for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic [1] was revised [2], and an important addition is the definition of decimal floating-point arithmetic. This is inte...
Marius Cornea, Cristina Anderson, John Harrison, P...