As CMOS devices and operating voltages are scaled down, noise and defective devices will impact the reliability of digital circuits. Probabilistic computing compatible with CMOS o...
Kundan Nepal, R. Iris Bahar, Joseph L. Mundy, Will...
Future database application systems will be designed as Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs) like SAP’s NetWeaver instead of monolithic software systems such as SAP’s R/3. Th...
Stefan Seltzsam, Daniel Gmach, Stefan Krompass, Al...
— This paper reports on an experiment in network protocol design: we use novel rigorous techniques in the design process of a new protocol, in a close collaboration between syste...
Adam Biltcliffe, Michael Dales, Sam Jansen, Tom Ri...
This paper presents a high-availability system architecture called INDRA — an INtegrated framework for Dependable and Revivable Architecture that enhances a multicore processor ...
Weidong Shi, Hsien-Hsin S. Lee, Laura Falk, Mrinmo...
— Quadrature Σ∆ ADCs require a feedback path for both the I and the Q part of the complex feedback signal. If two separated multibit feedback DACs are used, mismatch among the...
Stijn Reekmans, Jeroen De Maeyer, Pieter Rombouts,...