The problem of interconnect architecture arises when an array of processors needs to be integrated on one chip. With the deep sub-micron technology, devices become cheap while wir...
Feng Zhou, Esther Y. Cheng, Bo Yao, Chung-Kuan Che...
High performance SoC requires nonblocking interconnections between an array of processors built on one chip. With the advent of deep sub-micron technologies, switches are becoming...
Esther Y. Cheng, Feng Zhou, Bo Yao, Chung-Kuan Che...
This paper discusses a hybrid optoelectronic scheme for a new interconnection network, "Tori connected mESHes (TESH)". The major features of TESH are the following: it i...
A new platform for reconfigurable computing has an object-based programming model, with architecture, silicon and tools designed to faithfully realize this model. The platform is ...
: Tiled architectures, such as RAW, SmartMemories, TRIPS, and WaveScalar, promise to address several issues facing conventional processors, including complexity, wire-delay, and pe...
Steven Swanson, Andrew Putnam, Martha Mercaldi, Ke...