—“AWE” is a programmable “Animated Work Environment” supporting everyday human activities, at home, work and school, in an increasingly digital society. AWE features a no...
Keith Evan Green, Ian D. Walker, Leo J. Gugerty, J...
Looking around in our every day environment, many of the encountered objects are specular to some degree. Actively using this fact when reconstructing objects from image sequences...
This paper presents a new method for editing and retargeting motions that involve close interactions between body parts of single or multiple articulated characters, such as danci...
We present a novel approach to fluid simulation, allowing us to take into account the surface energy in a precise manner. This new approach combines a novel, topology-adaptive app...
Marek Krzysztof Misztal, Robert Bridson, Kenny Erl...
Inflammatory disease is initiated by leukocytes (white blood cells) rolling along the inner surface lining of small blood vessels called postcapillary venules. Studying the number ...