The integrated circuits design flow is rapidly moving towards higher description levels. However, test-related activities are lacking behind this trend, mainly since effective faul...
Modern Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are capable of performing complex discrete signal processing algorithms with clock rates above 100MHz. This combined with FPGA’s lo...
Michael Haselman, Robert Miyaoka, Thomas K. Lewell...
el Sequential Memory Abstraction for Model Checking Per Bjesse Advanced Technology Group Synopsys Inc. Many designs intermingle large memories with wide data paths and nontrivial c...
- This paper presents a solution to the problem of designing interconnects for memory devices. More precisely, it solves the automatic routing problem of memory peripheral circuits...
Real-time, reactive, and embedded systems are increasingly used throughout society (e.g., flight control, railway signaling, vehicle management, medical devices, and many others)....