Cloud storage systems are becoming increasingly popular. A promising technology that keeps their cost down is deduplication, which stores only a single copy of repeating data. Cli...
Shai Halevi, Danny Harnik, Benny Pinkas, Alexandra...
Social (or folksonomic) tagging has become a very popular way to describe content within Web 2.0 websites. However, as tags are informally defined, continually changing, and ungo...
Giovanni Quattrone, Licia Capra, Pasquale De Meo, ...
As system integration becomes an increasingly important challenge for complex real-time systems, there has been a significant demand for supporting real-time systems in virtualiz...
Sisu Xi, Justin Wilson, Chenyang Lu, Christopher D...
Abstract—Network-on-Chips (NoCs) paradigm is fast becoming a defacto standard for designing communication infrastructure for multicores with the dual goals of reducing power cons...
Dominic DiTomaso, Avinash Kodi, Savas Kaya, David ...
Abstract. GOST 28147-89 is a well-known block cipher and the official encryption standard of the Russian Federation. Its large key size of 256 bits at a particularly low implementa...