With increasing process variation, binning has become an important technique to improve the values of fabricated chips, especially in high performance microprocessors where transpa...
The soaring demands for always-on and fast-response online services have driven modern datacenter networks to undergo tremendous growth. These networks often rely on scale-out des...
Xin Wu, Daniel Turner, Chao-Chih Chen, David A. Ma...
Dynamic textures (DT) are videos of non-rigid dynamical objects, such as fire and waves, which constantly change their shape and appearance over time. Most of the prior work on DT ...
Pairwise constraints specify whether or not two samples should be in one cluster. Although it has been successful to incorporate them into traditional clustering methods, such as ...
Multiple clock cycles are needed to cross the global interconnects for multi-gigahertz designs in nanometer technologies. For synchronous designs, this requires retiming and pipel...