The designs of high-performance processor architectures are moving toward the integration of a large number of multiple processing cores on a single chip. The IBM Cyclops-64 (C64)...
We present an expressiveness study of linearity and persistence of processes. We choose the π-calculus, one of the main representatives of process calculi, as a framework to cond...
Catuscia Palamidessi, Vijay A. Saraswat, Frank D. ...
We present a multi-lingual type inference system for checking type safety across a foreign function interface. The goal of our system is to prevent foreign function calls from int...
This paper presents a model for adaptive agents. The model describes the behavior of an agent as a graph of roles, in short a behavior graph. Links between roles provide conditions...
Danny Weyns, Kurt Schelfthout, Tom Holvoet, Olivie...
Passive monitoring or testing of complex systems and networks running in the field can provide valuable insights into their behavior in actual environments of use. In certain con...