The energy usage of computer systems is becoming important, especially for portablebattery-operated applications and embedded systems. A significant reduction in the energy consum...
Gangadhar Konduri, James Goodman, Anantha Chandrak...
In floating-point datapaths synthesized on FPGAs, the shifters that perform mantissa alignment and normalization consume a disproportionate number of LUTs. Shifters are implemente...
Yehdhih Ould Mohammed Moctar, Nithin George, Hadi ...
Ensuring back-to-back execution of dependent instructions in a conventional out-of-order processor requires scheduling logic that wakes up and selects instructions at the same rat...
With power-related concerns becoming dominant aspects of hardware and software design, significant research effort has been devoted towards system power minimization. Among run-t...
Abstract - An adaptive approach for dynamic voltage scheduling on processors is presented based on workload prediction by filtering a trace history. The effects of update frequency...