Recent research has shown that surprisingly rich models of human behavior can be learned from GPS (positional) data. However, most research to date has concentrated on modeling si...
: IEEE 802.11 exhibits both short-term and long-term unfairness [15]. The short-term fairness automatically gives rise to long-term fairness, but not vice versa [11]. When we thoro...
Theories of access consciousness address how it is that some mental states but not others are available for evaluation, choice behavior, and verbal report. Farah, O'Reilly, a...
Abstract. We study some mechanisms responsible for synchronous oscillations and loss of synchrony at physiologically relevant frequencies 10-200 Hz in a network of heterogeneous ...
John A. White, Carson C. Chow, Jason Ritt, Cristin...
We consider a push pull queueing system with two servers and two types of jobs which are processed by the two servers in opposite order, with stochastic generally distributed proc...