Abstract--We introduce the notion of energy-scalable systemdesign. The principal idea is to maximize computational quality for a given energy constraint at all levels of the system...
We propose a novel theoretical biomolecular design to implement any Boolean circuit using the mechanism of DNA strand displacement. The design is scalable: all species of DNA stra...
Ehsan Chiniforooshan, David Doty, Lila Kari, Shinn...
Networks-on-Chip (NoC) is emerging as a practical development platform for future systems-on-chip products. We propose an energyefficient static algorithm which optimizes the ener...
: The improvement of spectral efficiency comes at the cost of exponential increment of signal processing complexity [1]. Hence, the energy-efficiency of baseband has recently turne...
Min Li, Bruno Bougard, Eduardo Lopez-Estraviz, And...
Due to the growing interest in mobile wireless Ad-Hoc networks’ (MANETs) applications, researchers have proposed many routing protocols that differ in their objective. Energy ef...
Wasim El-Hajj, Dionysios Kountanis, Ala I. Al-Fuqa...