Energy-efficient microprocessor designs are one of the major concerns in both high performance and embedded processor domains. Furthermore, as process technology advances toward d...
Large-scale online communities need to manage the tension between critical mass and information overload. Slashdot is a news and discussion site that has used comment rating to al...
With new technology, people can share information about everyday places they go; the resulting data helps others find and evaluate places. Recent applications like Dodgeball and S...
Pamela J. Ludford, Reid Priedhorsky, Ken Reily, Lo...
Abstract-- Multicore microprocessors have been largely motivated by the diminishing returns in performance and the increased power consumption of single-threaded ILP microprocessor...
Matthew Curtis-Maury, Karan Singh, Sally A. McKee,...
System-level and Platform-based design, along with Transaction Level modeling (TLM) techniques and languages like SystemC, appeared as a response to the ever increasing complexity...
Bruno Albertini, Sandro Rigo, Guido Araujo, Cristi...