Quantum computation has become an intriguing technology with which to attack difficult problems and to enhance system security. Quantum algorithms, however, have been analyzed un...
Dean Copsey, Mark Oskin, Tzvetan S. Metodi, Freder...
Abstract— CDNs have been widely used to provide low latency, scalability, fault tolerance, and load balancing for the delivery of web content and more recently streaming media. W...
John G. Apostolopoulos, Tina Wong, Susie J. Wee, D...
According to Computing Research Association, during each year between 2003 and 2007, fewer than 3% of the US’s Ph.D.s graduates in computer science and computer engineering were...
The contribution presented herein proposes an adaptive genetic algorithm applied to quantum logic circuit synthesis that, dynamically adjusts its control parameters. The adaptation...
Cristian Ruican, Mihai Udrescu, Lucian Prodan, Mir...
Prior to 1994, student registration at Newcastle University involved students being registered in a single place, where they would present a form which had previously been filled ...
Mark C. Little, Stuart M. Wheater, David B. Ingham...