The primary objective of most gene expression studies is the identification of one or more gene signatures; lists of genes whose transcriptional levels are uniquely associated wit...
The Cervical Cancer gene DataBase (CCDB, http:// is a manually curated catalog of experimentally validated genes that are thought, or are known to be i...
Subhash M. Agarwal, Dhwani Raghav, Harinder Singh,...
EMAGE ( is a freely available, curated database of gene expression patterns generated by in situ techniques in the developing mouse embry...
Jeffrey H. Christiansen, Yiya Yang, Shanmugasundar...
The Yeast Protein Database (YPD) is a curated database for the proteome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It consists of ∼6000 Yeast Protein Reports, one for each of the known or pre...
Peter E. Hodges, William E. Payne, James I. Garrel...
Cancer-related investigations have long been in the limelight of biomedical research. Years of effort from scientists and doctors worldwide have generated large amounts of data at...
Hong Li, Ying He, Guohui Ding, Chuan Wang, Lu Xie,...