For studying gene regulatory and protein signaling networks, we have developed an interactive map for the Pseudomonas aeruginosa genome. We first represent genes, proteins and the...
Background: A significant problem in the study of mechanisms of an organism's development is the elucidation of interrelated factors which are making an impact on the differe...
The Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool 10 (SMART) is an online resource (http://smart.embl. de/) used for protein domain identification and the analysis of protein domain a...
Ivica Letunic, Richard R. Copley, Birgit Pils, Ste...
Boolean models of genetic regulatory networks (GRNs) have been shown to exhibit many of the characteristic dynamics of real GRNs, with gene expression patterns settling to point a...
Background: Genome-wide identification of specific oligonucleotides (oligos) is a computationallyintensive task and is a requirement for designing microarray probes, primers, and ...