This paper describes the adaptation and evaluation of existing nestedsurface visualization techniques for the problem of displaying intersecting surfaces. For this work, we collab...
In order to make direct volume rendering practicable convenient visualization options and data analysis tools have to be integrated. For example, direct rendering of semi-transpar...
The modeling of volumetric objects is still a difficult problem. Solid texture synthesis methods enable the design of volumes with homogeneous textures, but global features such a...
Kenshi Takayama, Olga Sorkine, Andrew Nealen, Take...
Given a collection C of circles in the plane, we wish to construct the arrangement A(C) (namely the subdivision of the plane into vertices, edges and faces induced by C) using fl...
We explore techniques from visualization and computational geometry to make tactical information more intuitive to a military commander. To be successful, the commander must quick...
C. M. Hoffman, Y.-J. Kim, R. P. Winkler, J. D. Wal...