Stigmergy (the coordination of agents through signs they make and sense in a shared environment) was originally articulated in the study of social insects. Its basic processes are ...
Analysis of sketched digital ink is often aided by the division of stroke points into perceptually-salient fragments based on geometric features. Fragmentation has many applicatio...
Heloise Hwawen Hse, Michael Shilman, A. Richard Ne...
Portable embedded systems are being driven by consumer demands to be thermally efficient, perform faster, and have longer battery life. To design such a system, various hardware un...
Enabled by the continuous advancement in fabrication technology, present day synchronous microprocessors include more than 100 million transistors and have clock speeds well in ex...
In this paper we present a genetic algorithm-based approach towards designing self-assembling objects comprised of square smart blocks. Each edge of each block can have one of thr...
Ying Guo, Geoff Poulton, Philip Valencia, Geoff Ja...