People travel between places of residence and work destinations via transportation net-
works. The relation between selection of home and work locations has been heavily
debated ...
One of the simplest ways to query a database is through a form, where a user can fill in relevant information and obtain desired results by submitting the form. Designing good sta...
Abstract-- In nanometer-scale VLSI technologies, several interconnect issues like routing congestion and interconnect delay have become the main concerns in placement. However, all...
Device optimization considering supply voltage Vdd and threshold voltage Vt tuning does not increase chip area but has a great impact on power and performance in the nanometer tec...
Lerong Cheng, Phoebe Wong, Fei Li, Yan Lin, Lei He
The phenomenon of sponsored search advertising is gaining ground as the largest source of revenues for search engines. Firms across different industries have are beginning to adop...