Quantum computation has become an intriguing technology with which to attack difficult problems and to enhance system security. Quantum algorithms, however, have been analyzed un...
Dean Copsey, Mark Oskin, Tzvetan S. Metodi, Freder...
Many applications in ubiquitous computing rely on knowing where people and objects are relative to each other. By placing small wireless sensors on people, at specific locations, ...
Waylon Brunette, Carl Hartung, Ben Nordstrom, Gaet...
Wireless sensor networks consist of a large number of tiny sensors that have only limited energy supply. One of the major challenges in constructing such networks is to maintain l...
A pirate is a person who buys a legal copy of a copyrighted work and who reproduces it to sell illegal copies. Artists and authors are worried as they do not get the income which i...
A referral system is a multiagent system whose member agents are capable of giving and following referrals. The specific cases of interest arise where each agent has a user. The ...