— As semiconductor processing techniques continue to scale down, transient faults, also known as soft errors, are increasingly becoming a reliability threat to high-performance m...
— Ubiquitous robots need the ability to adapt their behaviour to the changing situations and demands they will encounter during their lifetimes. In particular, non-technical user...
1 Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs) is a subclass of Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs). However, automotive ad hoc networks will behave in fundamentally different ways than the pred...
Ivan Wang Hei Ho, Kin K. Leung, John W. Polak, Rah...
Abstract: The time-triggered System-on-a-Chip (SoC) architecture provides a generic multicore system platform for a family of composable and dependable giga-scale SoCs. It supports...
Roman Obermaisser, Hermann Kopetz, Christian El Sa...
We introduce a novel laser spectroscopic trace-gas sensor platform, LaserSPECks that integrates recently developed miniature quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy (QEPAS) gas...
Stephen So, Farinaz Koushanfar, Anatoliy Kosterev,...