Concentration of design effort for current single-chip Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) microprocessors has been directed towards performance. Reliability has not been the primary ...
We have fabricated a Chip Multiprocessor prototype code-named Merlot to proof our novel speculative multithreading architecture. On Merlot, multiple threads provide wider issue wi...
Translation validation consists of transforming a program and a posteriori validating it in order to detect a modification of its semantics. This approach can be used in a verifie...
This paper discusses the application of the timing analysis tool ATACS to the high performance, self-resetting and delayed-reset domino circuits being designed at IBM's Austi...
Wendy Belluomini, Chris J. Myers, H. Peter Hofstee
The development of application specific instruction set processors comprises several design phases: architecture exploration, software tools design, system verification and design...
Oliver Schliebusch, Andreas Hoffmann, Achim Nohl, ...