Compositional model checking is used to verify a processor microarchitecture containing most of the features of a modern microprocessor, including branch prediction, speculative ex...
This paper gives a correctness proof for the on-chip COMA cache coherence protocol that supports the Microgrid of microtheaded architecture, a multi-core architecture capable of in...
Building a high-performance microprocessor presents many reliability challenges. Designers must verify the correctness of large complex systems and construct implementations that ...
In this paper, we present the power estimation methodologies for the development of a low-power security processor that contains significant amount of logic and memory. For the lo...
System level modeling with executable languages such as C/C++ has been crucial in the development of large electronic systems from general processors to application specific desig...
Xi Chen, Yan Luo, Harry Hsieh, Laxmi N. Bhuyan, Fe...